CAPS maintains a database of private practitioners in the community. Each therapist works autonomously and has full, separate, legal, therapeutic responsibility for his/her clients. CAPS offers this database as a resource and this does not constitute endorsement of any of the listed treatment providers or facilities. Users assume responsibility for evaluating and selecting among the providers included in these listings. If you are under the age of 18 we recommend that you seek the advice of an adult as you consider these treatment options.
Goto Provider Search

For students

The Community Provider Database provides practice information for mental health professionals in Genesee and surrounding counties. There are several search fields available to help identify the right provider for you. The FAQ below may help with using the CPD. If you would still like additional assistance, please contact CAPS and ask for a consultation appointment with a clinical staff member at (810) 762-3456.

Search Providers

Goto Provider Search

For Providers

Mental health providers in Genesee and surrounding counties are invited to submit practice information for the Community Provider Database (CPD). Practitioners in the community who would like to be added to the CPD must submit an application via the link below. The application will go through an approval process before it is accepted into the system. Inclusion in the CPD does not represent support or endorsement of any providers listed.
